
Hello! I must admit, I'm never entirely sure what to put somewhere like this. However, the Unspoken Laws of Neocities websites seem to dictate that an About Page is necessary, so there we go.

As mentioned, I love programming (primarily Python, the Wolfram Language and Rust though: hence why this website looks so rubbish), maths and science. I also love nature, and wildlife photography, and some of my favourite fields to explore are the overlaps between these, like with biological mathematics. In my spare time I like learning or creating new things, reading a book, or playing video-games. I must admit though, I'm not the most technologically-inclined person, and though I like coding I wouldn't let a smart-speaker (for example) near me with a ten-foot pole.

Here are some things that might tell you more about me without giving anything great away (because I also don't really like social media much: the main reason I do this here is to preserve my younger thoughts. One day I should like to burn this to a disc, which I shall put in a sea-chest and bury in my garden. That probably tells you a lot about me as a person. But I digress.)

  • I'm a vegetarian, and have been for many years. Not much more to say about this really!
  • I would consider myself very much on the left-wing of politics, but am of the persuasion who thinks that issues can only be solved by speaking with - and showing - kindness to others (easier said than done sometimes, of course).
  • I'm a very big advocator for open-source, especially privacy-inclined OSS. In fact, the browser I'm coding this on is Librewolf, which I do recommend if you're not using it already :). I must admit, I dislike people and companies who are only in it for the money, which is one of the reasons I love Neocities so much.
  • I also love old music, particularly from the 40s to the 80s. But I also enjoy classical music, and those are what my compositions generally are :)

You know, I'm already out of things to say. But, I think this gives you a pretty good idea of my personality. Something I try to live life by is,
"Never be cruel, and never be cowardly, and if you ever are always make amends."
Thanks for reading this! See you around ;)
P.S. O, and if you ever want to contact me privately, rather than through the Guestbook, you can! Email me here. Or just comment on one of my Youtube videos, which is a quick way to nab my attention.
